Abstraction Games
Creative Game Development Studio
A Bunch of Hacks (Closed)
Game development cooperative
Adriaan de Jongh
Game designer
Alterego Games
Game development studio
Aryeh Loeb, Loebzuiver
Studio Manager, Program Manager
Behaviour Rotterdam (formerly Codeglue)
Game development studio
Brenda van Vugt art
Freelance 2d artist
Sound Design & Music
Crimson Owl Studios
Game development studio
Critical Bit
Game development studio
game production studio for Twitch
Game development studio
Dutch Game Studio
Game Development Studio
Ember Glitch
Game development studio
Engine Software
Independent game development studio
Eva regelt (Closed)
Freelance game producer
Serious game studio
Game company
Game development studio
Gobbledygook Games
Indie Game Development Studio
Guerrilla Games
Game development company
Hardy & Go
Insourcing game talent
Hidden Monster Games (Closed)
Game development studio
Hunchback Music
Sound Design Music Production Company
Serious Games Studio
Kucheza B.V.
Applied game development studio
Käy Vriend
Game Artist/Consultant/Coach
Leon van Oldenborgh
New Media Artist & Game Designer
Little Chicken Game Company
Game development studio
Living Story
Game based learning studio
Ludens Labs
Data consultant and toolbuilder
UE4 VFX/Shader specialist
Michiel Nijhof
Game music and sound designer
Miniclip Nederland (F.K.A. Gamebasics)
Game development studio
Multiverse Narratives
Narrative Designer/Game Writer
Nixxes Software
Game development studio
One Upped Games
Game Developer
Paladin Studios (Closed)
Game development studio
Pillar Games (Closed)
Applied game design & development company
Radical Graphics Studios
Game development studio
Rengin Tumer - Illustration & Concept Design
game artist and visual developer
Richel Audio
Sound designer
Richie de Wit
Business development consultant
Robin Keijzer
Freelance artist & game developer
Rockit: Playful Solutions
Applied game studio
Saskia de Klerk
2D Game Artist
Seductive Lemon
Game developer
Short Legs Art
Freelance Concept Artist & 2D Artist
Music & Sound Design company
Soops (Alessandra van Otterlo)
Project manager / event organiser
Stellar Entertainment
Game development studio
Studio Brain Muffin
Docu-game development studio
Studio Floris Kaayk
Speculative storytelling studio
Talespin (Closed)
VR / AR company
Target Gamers BV
Boutique advisory
The Moon - Software & Game Development
Freelance Game Designer
Triumph Studios
Game development studio
game development studio
Vincent van Geel
Game Producer & Creative Director
Yellowcake Games
Game development studio
Game & app development studio
Zakaria Marghich
Game artist