Dutch Game Industry Directory

Music Composer for Games

Alterego Games
Game development studio

Auris Media
One-Stop-Shop for Audio

Charlotte Madelon
Game designer

Mobile Game Studio

Ghost in a Bottle
game development studio

Indie game designer and developer

Jedidjah Julia Noomen
writer/narrative designer/story director

Living Story
Game based learning studio

Local Heroes Worldwide
Independent game localization company

Lost Again
Game development studio

Made-up Rules
Game development studio

Multiverse Narratives
Narrative Designer/Game Writer

Rengin Tumer - Illustration & Concept Design
game artist and visual developer

Saskia de Klerk
2D Game Artist

Story Giant Games
Game development studio

Studio Brain Muffin
Docu-game development studio

Studio Floris Kaayk
Speculative storytelling studio

Game development Studio

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