Dutch Game Industry Directory

Healthcare game developer

→ Company size: 60+

Dutch Game Studio
Game Development Studio

→ Company size: 50+

Game development studio

→ Company size: 50+

Game development studio and publisher

→ Company size: 30+

Grendel Games
Serious game development company

→ Company size: 15+

Hunchback Music
Sound Design Music Production Company

→ Company size: 10+

Alterego Games
Game development studio

→ Company size: 7

Ghost in a Bottle
game development studio

→ Company size: 4

Game Audio Squad
Music & Sound Design for games

→ Company size: 2

Game audio company

→ Company size: 2

Music Composer for Games

→ Company size: 1

Edward Ray - Composer and Sound Designer
Music Composition and Sound Design

→ Company size: 1

Game development studio with research

→ Company size: 1

Hosu Game Audio
Music and Sound Design Studio

→ Company size: 1

Jim Offerman
Solo game developer

→ Company size: 1

The Sphere of Sound
Immersive Audio Production Studio

→ Company size: 1

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