Dutch Game Industry Directory
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The Shoebox Diorama
Experimental VR Developer

'The Shoebox Diorama' is an experimental VR studio by interactive illustrator 'Daniel Ernst' with a simple goal of letting you experience a sense of wonder through weird and wonderful virtual characters and environments and a strong focus on interactive storytelling.

Games developed:Blocked In
Die Fernweh Oper
Der Grosse Gottlieb
The Marchland
Employee count:1
Company location:Den Haag
Founding year:2013
Email address:Show email address...
Keywords:VR, illustration, animation, art, installations, festivals, film, dioramas, experimental, entertainment games

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Blocked In
A handpainted vr diorama

Die Fernweh Oper
A handpainted vr opera diorama

Der Grosse Gottlieb
A handpainted vr diorama

The Marchland
A handpainted vr diorama