Dutch Game Industry Directory

Force Field Entertainment
Game development studio

→ Company size: 60+

Game development studio

→ Company size: 15+

Lion Castle BV
Game publisher

→ Company size: 15+

8D Games
Serious Games and gamification studio

→ Company size: 10+

Virtual Play
Game development studio

→ Company size: 9

game production studio for Twitch

→ Company size: 5+

Buckethead Entertainment
Game development studio

→ Company size: 4

Better Than Life
Immersive Studio

→ Company size: 3

Hypersome Games
Game development studio

→ Company size: 2

Phure Studios
Games Development Studio

→ Company size: 2

Critical Bit
Game development studio

→ Company size: 1

Luc Versleijen
Freelance 3D Designer & Animator

→ Company size: 1

ShadowBrain Games
Virtual reality game developer

→ Company size: 1

The Shoebox Diorama
Experimental VR Developer

→ Company size: 1

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