Dutch Game Industry Directory
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Gazingy Interactive
Developer and Publisher of Games.

Gazingy Interactive is a developer and publisher of video games, creating immersive gaming experiences for mobile devices. Founded in The Netherlands in 2010, we create games that entertain and connect players from all over the world. Our games are challenging, incredibly fun and bring core gaming fantasies to life on mobile.

Games developed:Folded Flyer
Joe Cable
Shiny Treasure
Employee count:3
Company location:Zwolle
Founding year:2010
Email address:Show email address...
Keywords:mobile, design, ios, android, amazon, unity, development, f2p, freemium, entertainment games, publisher, developer, b2c

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Folded Flyer
A paper plane flying game

Joe Cable
A mobile endless runner game

Shiny Treasure
A cube blast puzzle game