Dutch Game Industry Directory

Currently editing the company with id: 'dunk-technologies'.

The unique id of the company, to be used in links and such. Lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-) only; no spaces or special characters.
Examples: codeglue or little-chicken or m2h

The name of the company.
Example: Codeglue

An extremely short (5 words maximum) description of the company. Include what it is at the end (eg. 'company') so it can be used in a sentence like 'Codeglue is a Game development studio that ...'.
Examples: Game development studio or Game publisher or Game designer

The keywords defining the company, used primarily in search and filtering. Use as many predefined keywords as possible and add comma-separated custom keywords if necessary.

A more elaborate description of the company.

Example: A small independent Dutch game studio that creates games with a focus on pure simple and original gameplay. We develop our games for the latest generation of consoles, PC, smartphones and VR.

The average amount of people the company employs in the Netherlands. Include part-timers and interns, exclude freelancers and other contributors.
Examples: 1 or 15+ or 42

The Dutch name of the city where the company is located.
Examples: Amsterdam or Utrecht or Groningen

The year the company was founded.
Example: 2009

The (optional) year the company was disbanded.
Example: 2015

The company's logo. Must be .png, .jpg or .svg, under 2MB, and smaller than 2000px in width or height. Recommended: square aspect ratio, bigger than 200px in both width and height.

An optional hexadecimal color for when the image has transparency and requires a background color to be clearly visible. Leave empty if the image works well on a light background color.
Example: #33BEFF

The URL to the company's official website, starting with http:// or https://.
Example: https://codeglue.com

Games are added when this company is referenced as the developer or a contributor on a game. To add a game, finish submitting this company and add the game to the directory separately.

A comma-separated list of games not made in the Netherlands. Games that are made by a Dutch company or made mostly in the Netherlands should not be added here and should instead be added as entries to the directory.
Example: Tomb Raider 1, Tomb Raider 2

Change Existing Email Address

Enter the company's public email addresss where questions and business inquiries can be sent. This email address is shown publicly on the company's page in the directory. Note that measures have been taken to avoid spambots scraping the directory.
Example: info@example.com

(You can still edit the entry after submitting.)